Popping the top revealed... not much. I discovered (according to the wonderful FMTunerInfo.com) that this was the original version of the FT 11 based on the board color. No tuning capacitor, just some chips, a few discrete components and some air. Given the vintage it was time for a cap job.
Unfortunately, the FT 11 is pan built. No bottom cover, bummer. You need to pull the main board after desoldering the antenna leads, unscrewing the rca jack plate and detaching the face. The cap count was a very modest 20 or so, replaced with Panasonic FMs, FCs and a few metallized stacked films. I replaced the 4.7 mfd output coupling caps with 22 mfd Elna Silmics. The board was easy to follow with stout traces:
I stitched the FT 11 mostly back together and fired it up. Weird. It would not tune properly, it was seemingly stuck on a crazy, out of range station. Mike took a look and said: 'Bridge.' I checked all my solder work and it looked good, but dutifully started scraping resin. Yowza! Underneath a small puddle of resin was a thin flash of solder bridging a circuit. A touch of the iron healed the bridge and the FT 11 fired up in stereo.
FMTunerInfo had suggested switching op-amps to improve the sound. I did a bit of research and discovered the installed NE5532 was a 50 cent part these days and that decent upgrades could be had for $2 to $12. Not exactly breaking the bank. I ordered a few TI bifet op-amps from Mouser: OPA2604AP ($4.27) and OPA2134PA ($2.42). And also the Analog Devices OP275GPZ from Digi-key. I should have gotten savvy and soldered in a chip caddy so I could swap them out, but that will have to wait for next time. I soldered in the OPA2604AP and fired it up. Note the brown Silmic at the lower right corner.
All was well, except now the stereo had vanished. Why, I have not a clue. I whined a bit and Mike took a twirl at the adjustments with the little plastic screw drivers and the stereo returned. I gotta get a set of those screw drivers. Whenever I ask for them Mike insists on doing it himself.
The modified FT 11 is a nice sounding tuner. It must have narrower filters than the '70s receivers I work on because KMFA, 89.5, sounded good. No hiss so Mike deemed it 'digital ready'.
I recently exchanged a few emails with an old friend and tuner guru who has been published on FMTunerInfo.com, and he has provided some excellent guidance on resolving the digital hiss issues in vintage tuners. More on that in the (hopefully) near future.
Wow amazing !
Low Price
Very useful entry, best regards!
I just purchased a ft-11 tuner and I ordered the three chips you mentioned in your write up. My problem is I have no idea where the three upgrade chips go on the board, or which chips they replace. I have not been able to locate a wiring diagram either. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I used to repair radio equipment back in 1967, looks like things have changed a little. I used to be able to look up a tubes number ( 6l6, etc) and know exactly what the tube can do. I have not been able to figure out the IC chip numbers by that method.
I am feeling a bit technology challenged. My e mail is wjerry 548@gmail.com if someone could be so kind as to clue me in.
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